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The Law Lady

With a sense of humour and no-nonsense approach, Angela Solomons, from Taranaki Community Law, manages to de-mystify the legal issues.

Airing time: Thursdays 10am and replayed 6:30pm

With a sense of humour and no-nonsense approach, Angela Solomons manages to de-mystify the legal issues around buying into a retirement village, noisy neighbours, immigration, divorce, buying a house, surviving a zombie apocolypse, and just about any other situation you can think of.

As Education Co-ordinator with Taranaki Community Law, Angela is passionate about justice, and about real people.

She’s also very entertaining!

New show every second week.


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Click on the title of an episode to listen

Rainbow Story Time Defamation Case

The show is about Defamation: the Rainbow Storytime defamation case against Brian Tamaki and others associated with Destiny Church.

Duration: 00:27:09 | Date: 18 July, 2024

Open Justice

Open Justice is about giving people a fair trial and allowing justice to be seen to be done. It is a fundamenbtal part of a good justice system.

Duration: 00:29:32 | Date: 4 July, 2024

Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal

Grayson v Swift - what does it mean to be a motor vehicle trader? Can you make someone refund your money if you bought a flood-damaged car?

Duration: 00:28:19 | Date: 20 June, 2024

Election Donations

Find out the rules for candidate donations and what the consequences of breaking these rules are.

Duration: 00:28:40 | Date: 6 June, 2024

Road User Charges

What are road user charges and how do they apply to electric vehicles.

Duration: 00:28:04 | Date: 23 May, 2024

Employment Trial Periods

My show is about Trial Periods in Employment. What you need to know about who they apply to, how they work and when they are valid.

Duration: 00:26:31 | Date: 9 May, 2024

Ghost Property Rights

What are your rights when haunting a house? Can you evict a ghost from your house? Find out the legal rights of ghosts.

Duration: 00:27:37 | Date: 25 April, 2024

Minimum Wage

From 1 April the minimum wage will increase from $22.70 to $23.15 per hour. The Law Lady talks about how this works and some things to consider.

Duration: 00:27:45 | Date: 11 April, 2024

Whaikaha Purchasing Guidelines for Individualised Funding

Talking about changes that Whaikaha (the Ministry for disabled people) have made to their purchasing guidelines, including reducing flexibility for carers and family/whānau when it comes to kinds of support they can receive funding for.

Duration: 00:21:11 | Date: 28 March, 2024

Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill

Discussion about the proposed Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill, including what the proposed principles are and how they differ from the current principles.

Duration: 00:27:11 | Date: 7 March, 2024