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Ta Talanoa: Past Episodes 2023-2024

Through great conversations we can share valuable information, that can uplift, inspire and empower individuals as well as our communities.

Airing time: Your choice, on-demand

In Samoan, "Ta Talanoa" means "Let's Talk".

This show is about having good conversations, with ourselves as well as others.  Through great conversations we can share valuable information, that can uplift, inspire and empower individuals as well as our communities.

"Fa'ataua le Talatalanoa - Value Conversations"

Sieni focuses her discussions on the 5 themes of her book, AUALA, which tells her 'transformational story from Samoa to New Zealand':


Unique Skills





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Click here to explore past episodes from 2022

Click here to explore past episodes from 2020-2021

Language: Samoan


Click on the title of an episode to listen

Anxiety Affects Everyone - O popolega e a'afia ai tatou uma

Ta Talanoa means let's talk in Samoan. It's a show where we have good conversations; where we get to connect with our community and people around us. We can learn so much more from each other through conversations.

Duration: 00:29:59 | Date: 14 May, 2024

Celebrate Every Milestone_Fa'amanatu Mea Taua Uma

Ia tatou fa'amanatuina ni tulaga iloga ma taua ua ausia i vaega eseese o le tatou olaga. E fesoasoani fo'i i lo tatou fiafiaga. E manaia foi le fa'alogona pea ausia ma taunu'u se fa'atinoina oni sini taua ma aoga.

Duration: 00:27:29 | Date: 30 April, 2024

Talanoa ma Juliana Mauga

Ua fa’asoa mai Juliana i le Kamupani e taua o le ASEA o lo’o faapea ona auai ai o Ia. Na talanoa mai foi i itu o lo’o maua ai se fesoasoani ia te ia i le itu lea fa’alesoifua maloloina.
E iai foi nisi penefiti o lo’o faapea ona maua mai e Ia i le ASEA.

Duration: 00:29:32 | Date: 16 April, 2024

Fa'ataua Le Faiga O Malologa

Fa'ataua le faiga o malologa. E taua le fa'aavanoaina ma fa'aaluina o le taimi e malolo lelei ai, e toe maua ai malosiaga o le tino ma fesoasoani atili foi i lo tatou soifua fa'alemafaufau.

Duration: 00:29:48 | Date: 2 April, 2024

O le fa’afitauli i le ala, o le ala lea!_The Obstacles in the Way is the Way

O le fa’afitauli i le ala, o le ala lea! E tele lava fa’afitauli e feagai ma tatou i le tele o aso, ae e taua le tatou saili i auala ma vaifofo e fa’ato’ilaloina ai le mau fa’afitauli. Fa’ataua a tatou talanoaga, o nisi auala fesoasoani lea.

Duration: 00:27:18 | Date: 19 March, 2024

Didi de Graaf Part 2

The conversation carries on from the first part of the Show. The diversity of career paths chosen by our young Pacific generation is truly inspiring. It's nice to witness charting their own unique journeys based on their passions, interests, and values.

Duration: 00:27:57 | Date: 27 February, 2024

Didi de Graaf Part 1

Interview (Part 1 of 2) with Didi de Graaf, a smart intelligent, and ambitious young Samoan girl, from the North Shore, who currently lives and works in Sydney, as a Script Co-ordinator for Australian TV Series. Listening to Didi as she shared her story, her insights, and her journey to her chosen career path, and having a good supportive network of people throughout her life is inspiring.

Duration: 00:28:03 | Date: 20 February, 2024

Fa'ataua ma fa'alelei le tomai autu o le Fa'alogologo Malosi (Active Listening)

Fa'ataua ma fa'alelei le tomai autu o le Fa'alogologo Malosi (Active Listening)
E taua tele lenei tomai i a tatou talatalanoaga ma isi i aso uma. E maua ai fo'i feso'otaiga lelei ma malamalama ai leisi tagata i leisi tagata.

Duration: 00:28:23 | Date: 6 February, 2024

E Mafai Ona e Pulea oe - You Can Control Yourself

E le mafai ona tatou pulea le olaga ma mea e tutupu ae o tatou lava e mafai ona tatou su’esu’e auala e fa’afaigofie ai ni vaega fa’afaigata.
Fa’ataua talanoaga, ma talanoa I tagata tatou te fa’atuatuaina e maua ai tali lelei.

Duration: 00:27:40 | Date: 22 January, 2024

Toe Seti ma Fa'afou - Reset and Renew 2024

E mana’omia lava le tatou manatunatu ini vaega taua, po’o ni sini e tatou te naunau e fia ausia i lenei foi Tausaga Fou. O ni vaega foi e lei mae’ae’a I le tausaga ua tuana’i, e manaia foi le toe fa’aauau ma fa’atino lelei i lenei tausaga. E taua le fai ma tusitusi lelei I lalo, faaaoga kalena o le tausaga e fa’amaumau lelei ai lea aso ma masina fa’apitoa ma taua ia tatou uma.

Duration: 00:30:30 | Date: 9 January, 2024

New Years

Tatou tilotilo ma tepa i tua I le tausaga 2023 ma ana manumalo e avea fo’i le ma fa’amalosiau mo tatou uma I le tausaga fou 2024.

Duration: 00:28:35 | Date: 25 December, 2023

Kerisimasi Manuia

Enjoy Christmas with your family and loved ones this year

Duration: 00:28:56 | Date: 12 December, 2023

Suanoamaali'i Dr. Karanina Sumeo - EEO Commission

Manaia le talanoaga ma le fa'asoa a le Komisina, i itu o le aia tatau o le tagata, ma le taua foi o le latou galuega i le itu fesoasoani, fa’amalamalamaina ma finau fo’i mo tatou tagata pasefika fa’apea foi ma le lautele.

A fia malamalama atili, e tele lava auala o auaunaga a lenei matagaluega e mafai ona maua ai se fesoasoani i ni mataupu fiafa'amalamalama. Fa'afeso’ota’i le Ofisa I le telephone, po’o le email.

Contact details:
Phone - 0800 - 496 - 877
Email – [email protected]

Duration: 00:27:56 | Date: 28 November, 2023

Master the art of Patience: Tauloto le Tomai o le Onosa’i

E taua tele le lava, o le tatou onosa’i i fita ma fa'afitauli e fetaia'i ma le tagata. O tatou talanoaga foi e maua ai ni auala, ma veaga e fesoasoani i le tuputupu pea o le tatou tomai o le Onosai. E i ai itu lelei e fa'amanuia ai foi tatou pe a faigofie ona manatunatu ma fautuaina tatou i tulaga eseese.
A lelei tatou i itu ia, e le o'o foi le tagata i le popole ma le atuatuvale ma faia ai ni faiuga vave ae le'i mafaufauina ma faaletonu ai sootaga ma isi ma misi ai fo'i ni avanoa taua.

Duration: 00:29:52 | Date: 14 November, 2023

Faataua Fesootaiga ma isi - Connect with Others

Build good connections!
Fa’ataua, ma fa’aaoga lelei tatou tomai e fausia ai so’otaga malolosi. E auala mai fo’i ni avanoa matagofie pea tatou feso’otai ma isi ma faia ni talatalanoaga lelei.

Duration: 00:29:03 | Date: 31 October, 2023

Alex Skelton from American Samoa

Manaia le talatalanoaga ma le fa’asoa foi e ala i le taleni o le Musika ua faamanuiaina ai o ia. Ua tele se vaega o le Musika ua o’o i ai lana sailiiliga. O le taimi nei, e le gata i lana tautua i totonu o Aulotu ma Ekalesia i le faiga o Pese, ae o lo’o faiaoga foi o ia i le musika i aoga maualuluga.

O nai lesona faamanatu pea, le fa’amaoni i taleni ua faamanuiaina ai le tagata, aua e toe selesele lava le tagata i fua o ana galuega lelei.

Duration: 00:25:22 | Date: 17 October, 2023

Faataua Taimi Mo Malologa Ma Tafaoga

E taua le faia o malologa ma tafaoga a tatou uma lava.
E aoga I veaga eseese e fa’aosofia ai ni manatu ma mafaufauga i nisi peleni o le olaga.
E fesoasoani foi I le soifua maloloina ma le soifua fa’alemafaufau.

Set aside time for travel and holiday. We all need a nice break from the busyness of life in general.

Duration: 00:28:16 | Date: 3 October, 2023

Embrace Challenges - Talia ni lu'i po'o ni lu'itau

Embrace Challenges - Talia ni lu'i po'o ni lu'itau.
The right challenges can contribute to our growth and the achievement of our Goals.

Duration: 00:29:02 | Date: 19 September, 2023

Dedication Can Manifest in Various Aspects of Life

Dedication is the driving force behind everyone's success whether it is a small or a big Goal. O le tuuto o le malosiaga u'unaia lea o le manuia o tagata uma e tusa lava pe o se sini laitiiti pe tetele foi.

Duration: 00:31:00 | Date: 5 September, 2023

Consistency of Actions - Faatinoga Tumau Faifaipea O Galuega

Faatinoga tumau, ma faifaipea o tatou galuega e taunu’u ai i sini maoa’e ma maualuluga. Small actions consistently practiced, produced superior results.

Duration: 00:28:08 | Date: 22 August, 2023

Interview with Theresa Tongi

A truly inspiring story!
Theresa Tongi, founder and co-ordinator of Autism Connex charity, shared on Ta Talanoa show her empowering journey with her family from West Auckland to New Plymouth, a move she and her husband made in search of a life balance for their young family in 2014. Their two boys, diagnosed at an early age with Autism, motivated her and her husband to start Autism Connex. The conversation with Theresa today highlights her strength, courage, dedication to her family and service to her community.
Check out their website,

Duration: 00:30:20 | Date: 8 August, 2023

Embrace Our Struggles - Talia Tauiviga

Embrace our struggles - they help us develop, discover our strengths and achieve our goals. Latou te fesoasoani ia i tatou e atiina a’e, iloa o tatou malosiaga ma ausia a tatou sini.

Duration: 00:26:42 | Date: 25 July, 2023

E Taua Lou Leo - Your Tone Matters

E taua lou leo I talatalanoaga uma.
Your tone matters in conversations. It needs to be uplifting, encouraging and empowering.

Duration: 00:30:49 | Date: 11 July, 2023

Talanoa with Tioata Paula Meafua Mead

An inspiring and motivating story of how going through cancer has changed her outlook on life. She speaks on the value of having a positive mindset and finding her happy place to heal yourself. Valuable life lessons.

Duration: 00:29:59 | Date: 27 June, 2023

Talanoa with Maualaivao Siaki Kirifi

Manaia tele le talanoaga ma Jack, fa'asoa mai foi o ia i le amataga o lona olaga i Iva, Savai'i seia o'o mai lava i Taranaki. He has a passion for Rugby that comes through in the conversation.
A new chapter for Jack in 2023 (La'asaga fou o lona Olaga) sees him playing significant roles at Boys High School, Director of Rugby, Te Haumaru Support & Pasifika Lead.
It's all about giving back and helping develop and grow our young Pacific generations. He is a good Role Model.

Duration: 00:31:17 | Date: 13 June, 2023

Mitamita I Lau Gagana - Samoan Language Week

Faatauaina o le vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa!
“Mitamita I lau gagana, maua’a lou faasinomaga”.
E taua le tatou galulue faatasi mo le fa’aolaolaina pea o le tatou Gagana.

Duration: 00:29:37 | Date: 30 May, 2023

Talanoa with Tupuola Pasitale Faoagali

Ia tatou faataua talanoaga ma tatou fanau I taimi uma. Taua le puipui, apoapoa’I ma lagolagosua aua le atina’eina o latou taleni ma o latou olaga I le lumana’i.
Includes end tag from StatsNZ re Census 2023, in Samoan

Duration: 00:32:24 | Date: 16 May, 2023

Soona Mafaufau - Overthinking

Ta Talanoa means let's talk in Samoan. It's a show where we have good conversations; where we get to connect with our community and people around us. We can learn so much more from each other through conversations.

Duration: 00:29:17 | Date: 2 May, 2023

O a tatou alofaga e taofia ai tatou

O tatou alofaga e taofia ai i tatou i mea o lo'o tatou fia ausia ma maua.
Our excuses hold us back.
O tatou talatalanoaga e fesoasoani malosi i itu ia ma faaitiiti ai alofaga.

Duration: 00:29:18 | Date: 18 April, 2023

Malamalama O Le Tagata Ia Ia Te Ia - Self Awareness

Taua le tatou iloa ma malamalama ia tatou lava, I le itu i totonu (internal) ma fafo (external) I tulaga faatauaina ma taumafa’I e faapaleni veaga ia.
Faataua a tatou talatalanoaga.

Duration: 00:30:08 | Date: 4 April, 2023

Fa'ataua Mea Uma - Make Everything Count

Fa’ataua mea e patino ma taua ia tatou uma i lo tatou alualu aga’i I luma.

Duration: 00:29:56 | Date: 21 March, 2023

Role Modelling/Fai ma se Fa’ataitaiga

Taua tele le fai ma se fa’ataitaiga lelei i fanau I totonu o tatou aiga ma tua atu foi o tatou aiga. Ia I ai fo’I isi tatou te faaogaina a latou taitaiga lelei mo le tatou alualu aga’i I luma. Fa’ataua a tatou talatalanoaga e maua ai manatu ma fesoasoani I auala eseese.

Duration: 00:29:36 | Date: 7 March, 2023

Juliana Mauga

Ta Talanoa means let's talk in Samoan. It's a show where we have good conversations; where we get to connect with our community and people around us. We can learn so much more from each other through conversations.

Duration: 00:29:06 | Date: 21 February, 2023

Suiga laiti e o'o ai i Tulaga Tetele

Small shifts equal big results.

Duration: 00:28:46 | Date: 31 January, 2023

Si'itia Elevate

Ta Talanoa means let's talk in Samoan. It's a show where we have good conversations; where we get to connect with our community and people around us. We can learn so much more from each other through conversations.

Duration: 00:30:14 | Date: 17 January, 2023

New Year

Create new milestones for this new year 2023!

Duration: 00:26:46 | Date: 3 January, 2023