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Ta Talanoa

Through great conversations we can share valuable information, that can uplift, inspire and empower individuals as well as our communities.

Airing time: Tuesdays 10:30am; new live show fortnightly

In Samoan, "Ta Talanoa" means "Let's Talk".

This show is about having good conversations, with ourselves as well as others.  Through great conversations we can share valuable information, that can uplift, inspire and empower individuals as well as our communities.

"Fa'ataua le Talatalanoa - Value Conversations"

Sieni focuses her discussions on the 5 themes of her book, AUALA, which tells her 'transformational story from Samoa to New Zealand':


Unique Skills





Click here to explore past episodes from 2023

Click here to explore past episodes from 2022

Click here to explore past episodes from 2020-2021


Language: Samoan


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Click on the title of an episode to listen

Talanoa ma Juliana Mauga

Ua fa’asoa mai Juliana i le Kamupani e taua o le ASEA o lo’o faapea ona auai ai o Ia. Na talanoa mai foi i itu o lo’o maua ai se fesoasoani ia te ia i le itu lea fa’alesoifua maloloina.
E iai foi nisi penefiti o lo’o faapea ona maua mai e Ia i le ASEA.

Duration: 29:32 | Date: 16 April, 2024

Fa'ataua Le Faiga O Malologa

Fa'ataua le faiga o malologa. E taua le fa'aavanoaina ma fa'aaluina o le taimi e malolo lelei ai, e toe maua ai malosiaga o le tino ma fesoasoani atili foi i lo tatou soifua fa'alemafaufau.

Duration: 00:29:48 | Date: 2 April, 2024

Obstacle in the way is the way!

O le fa’afitauli i le ala, o le ala lea! E tele lava fa’afitauli e feagai ma tatou i le tele o aso, ae e taua le tatou saili i auala ma vaifofo e fa’ato’ilaloina ai le mau fa’afitauli. Fa’ataua a tatou talanoaga, o nisi auala fesoasoani lea.

Duration: 27:18 | Date: 19 March, 2024

Didi de Graaf Part 2

The conversation carries on from the first part of the Show. The diversity of career paths chosen by our young Pacific generation is truly inspiring. It's nice to witness charting their own unique journeys based on their passions, interests, and values.

Duration: 00:27:57 | Date: 27 February, 2024

Didi de Graaf Part 1

Interview (Part 1 of 2) with Didi de Graaf, a smart intelligent, and ambitious young Samoan girl, from the North Shore, who currently lives and works in Sydney, as a Script Co-ordinator for Australian TV Series. Listening to Didi as she shared her story, her insights, and her journey to her chosen career path, and having a good supportive network of people throughout her life is inspiring.

Duration: 00:28:03 | Date: 20 February, 2024

Fa'ataua ma fa'alelei le tomai autu o le Fa'alogologo Malosi (Active Listening)

Fa'ataua ma fa'alelei le tomai autu o le Fa'alogologo Malosi (Active Listening)
E taua tele lenei tomai i a tatou talatalanoaga ma isi i aso uma. E maua ai fo'i feso'otaiga lelei ma malamalama ai leisi tagata i leisi tagata.

Duration: 00:28:23 | Date: 6 February, 2024

E Mafai Ona e Pulea oe - You Can Control Yourself

E le mafai ona tatou pulea le olaga ma mea e tutupu ae o tatou lava e mafai ona tatou su’esu’e auala e fa’afaigofie ai ni vaega fa’afaigata.
Fa’ataua talanoaga, ma talanoa I tagata tatou te fa’atuatuaina e maua ai tali lelei.

Duration: 00:27:40 | Date: 22 January, 2024

Toe Seti ma Fa'afou - Reset and Renew 2024

E mana’omia lava le tatou manatunatu ini vaega taua, po’o ni sini e tatou te naunau e fia ausia i lenei foi Tausaga Fou. O ni vaega foi e lei mae’ae’a I le tausaga ua tuana’i, e manaia foi le toe fa’aauau ma fa’atino lelei i lenei tausaga. E taua le fai ma tusitusi lelei I lalo, faaaoga kalena o le tausaga e fa’amaumau lelei ai lea aso ma masina fa’apitoa ma taua ia tatou uma.

Duration: 00:30:30 | Date: 9 January, 2024

New Years

Tatou tilotilo ma tepa i tua I le tausaga 2023 ma ana manumalo e avea fo’i le ma fa’amalosiau mo tatou uma I le tausaga fou 2024.

Duration: 00:28:35 | Date: 25 December, 2023

Kerisimasi Manuia

Enjoy Christmas with your family and loved ones this year

Duration: 28:56 | Date: 12 December, 2023

Suanoamaali'i Dr. Karanina Sumeo - EEO Commission

Manaia le talanoaga ma le fa'asoa a le Komisina, i itu o le aia tatau o le tagata, ma le taua foi o le latou galuega i le itu fesoasoani, fa’amalamalamaina ma finau fo’i mo tatou tagata pasefika fa’apea foi ma le lautele.

A fia malamalama atili, e tele lava auala o auaunaga a lenei matagaluega e mafai ona maua ai se fesoasoani i ni mataupu fiafa'amalamalama. Fa'afeso’ota’i le Ofisa I le telephone, po’o le email.

Contact details:
Phone - 0800 - 496 - 877
Email – [email protected]

Duration: 00:27:56 | Date: 28 November, 2023